Friday, February 8, 2008

Refreshing the Memory

With another child soon to arrive, I am re-reading my favorite parenting book "To Train Up A Child" by Michael and Debi Pearl of No Greater Joy Ministry. I feel the need to really buckle down and get my boys very obedient before I'm more preoccupied with their new sister. This book is SO amazing! I am once again reminded of so many ways I have slacked off and not been consistant. So today has been a day of "pure training" and it's amazing how happy everyone is when the laws are enforced without whining or excuses. If you own the book, I would encourage you to read it again and if you never have get one from They are really inexpensive and a gold mine of wisdom!!

Next on my reading list is to re-read "Created to Be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl. This is like no other book you've ever read! When I need a refresher course in being the kind of wife my husband needs, this is the book I get out!

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