Thursday, December 17, 2009

Patience with the Faults of Others

I love this wise advice from Francois Fenelon (1851). It can be applied to marriage or parenting...

"One must accustom one's self to look for little from men; it is the only way to avoid disappointment. One must take that which they are able to give, as we take from a tree the fruit it bears, though indeed some trees bear nothing but leaves and caterpillars. God bears with and waits patiently for imperfect men, and is not even repulsed by their resistance; we ought to imitate this loving patience, this merciful forbearance. It is only imperfection which is intolerant of what is imperfect; the more any one has advanced towards perfection, the more patiently and quietly he will bear with though not foster, the imperfections of others."

"We, who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For Christ did not please himself..." Romans 15:1-3a

Ouch! That hurts in a good way doesn't it? This really convicted me regarding my lack of patience with the faults and immaturity in my children. I need so much grace in this area! God, help us to be like you: full of merciful forbearance!
(This quote taken from "Dialogues of Fenelon Vol II" by Lamplighter Publishing.)

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