Sunday, November 4, 2007

Take Time to Pray

I woke up at 4:30am without trying. My heart and mind are completely in another country. As I type this they are having a soccer match with the natives and Reid is sharing the good news of hope and love with those who would never darken the door of a church. (This photo was taken in 2005 when Reid took his first group to Uganda and had a similar match.) I will update my site this afternoon with the details I get from Jason on the phone.
When you wake up this morning, they will be in the middle of their first festival. Each night this week they will be doing up to 3 festivals simultaneously in different displacement camps. The festivals include dramas, puppets, music and the preaching of the gospel. So pray with your family this morning that many hearts would hear and turn from their lives of sin and darkness to the light and love of God's salvation in Jesus! Peace will not come to a whole nation, but to one soul at a time.

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